Out and About

Mar 13, 2015

It's been so gorgeous out these last few days, I grabbed some new sandals (my old pair kicked the bucked this week) and have been spending as much time outside as possible. This means the park, walks up and down the block, and driving around with the windows open as often as possible! While the weather won't probably stay this nice through to summer, and we're sure to get plenty more cold days and rain and the like, I'm so ready for spring to be here!

Also, how cute is Lou in her pigtails?! They only last about five minutes, but they're worth it every time!

Here's a few fun things I've found while poking around on the internet these last few weeks -  have a great weekend!

Great thoughts from Susannah on living in and loving on your body.

Gilmore Girls knit-along!!

I love this story about a guy who took an upright piano around the country!

For as often as we have bananas about to expire, I could be doing this instead.

You guys, Rebecca never disappoints!

Even though I read far less than I used to (where do I find the time?!), I love finding book lists like this one.

Great photo editing app lists from both Taza and Tammy!

As a hat knitter, I don't usually have to worry about storing bits of my finished projects, but I love Karen's thoughts on the subject!

Elise is always on point with her decorating thoughts, and these framed photos are no exception!

I love love LOVE how Natalie parents! Also, her book comes out on Tuesday - have you ordered yours already? I sure have!

And finally, I guest posted on Asymmetrical's blog today, sharing a bit of a peek into my writing life. Spoiler alert, it involves kids on tables, pajamas, and food.

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