

a parade of holiday knitting is coming!

Dec 23, 2011

{the last of the holiday shop orders on their way out the door a few weeks ago}

You may have noticed a distinct lack of knitting on the blog these last few weeks. While I haven't been sharing it, there has been plenty of knitting going on - of the holiday gift variety!

I've been planning ahead, however - before wrapping up each gift I've been photographing them, and will share it all - photos, my notes, even where to pick up the patterns so you can knit everything yourself - beginning December 26th and extending through the end of the year.

I can't wait!

1 comment :

  1. I can't wait to learn how to knit! I'm rather excited about it. What do you suggest to a beginning knitter? My company is getting stuff sent to us and there are a couple of yarn kits that involve knitting and such.

    <3 Jenn

