

Sharing the Simple Slouch With A Friend

Jan 10, 2012

{Simple Slouch Hats worn by Chris Wiegand; photos by Casey Wiegand via Casey Leigh}

While the Simple Slouch hat pattern is just being released to the public today, I have been knitting from it for several months now. After seeing a few folks on Pinterest sharing photos of folks in hats like this I decided to make a few of my own to sell in the Etsy shop.

As I built a friendship with Casey over the late summer and early fall, I knew I wanted to gift a few hand-knits to she and her husband. They were spending a bit of time in Northern California, and I hopefully thought they might need a bit more warmth than they normally need in Texas.

Gracious as she is, Casey lovingly accepted a few items for herself, and a few for her husband Chris. As soon as she got the package, she told me how much Chris loved his Simple Slouch Hats - and over the months since, she's shared more than a few photos of him wearing them as they go about their days!

I love it when folks love wearing hand-knits; I love it even more when those folks are found in unexpected places; blog friends, folks living in warmer climates, and people I've never even met finding comfort and peace from something I've knit is a dream of mine, and it's always such a treasure when I see that dream becoming a reality.

And when a man likes a hand-knit? I feel like I've won the lottery - men tend to be a bit pickier when it comes to clothing and fashion. Simple is always a good bet, and I hit the nail on the head with these hats, it would seem!

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