

011, 012, and 013 // Blog Exchange Hats

Feb 1, 2012

I jumped at the chance to be part of a blog giftie exchange hosted by Casey Wiegand and a few of her friends. I wrote a few days ago about the amazing goodies I received from Nikki, but I also wanted to share my notes and thoughts on what I sent to her!

{read her post about these hats here}

Black Waffle Hat
pattern: Waffle Hat, by Gail Bable
yarn: Hobby Lobby I Love This Wool! in black (105 yards)
needles: size US 9 / 5.5 mm 16" circular needles

notes: This hat was made for Nikki's husband. I made it like I have made every waffle hat so far - sized up the needles, knit 80 stitches instead of just 76, and made it so it could be worn a bit slouchy or with the brim turned up.

Purple Jane Hat
pattern: Jane Hat, by Jane Richmond
yarn: Stitch Nation by Debbie Stoller Washable Ewe (130 yards)
needles: sizes US 8 / 5.0 mm and US 10 / 6.0 mm 16" circular needles

notes: Like the Waffle Hat, I followed the same modifications I follow whenever I knit this hat. Cast on 80 stitches, and knit for almost 10" before decreases. This makes the hat a bit slouchy, a bit of a tighter fit, and perfect in every way!

Turquoise Hat
pattern: Aviatrix Hat, by Justine Turner (free Ravelry download)
yarn: I Love This Wool! in turquoise
needles: sizes US 7 / 4.5 mm and US 9 / 5.5 mm needles

notes: I love knitting this hat for babies and young kids. The perfect hat for newborns, this hat also works great for busy toddlers who can't be bothered with hats and love to pull them off. Meant to stretch to fit for at least one full winter, as kids get older the sizes of this hat pattern mean you may just be able to get two winter seasons out of it!


I had such fun knitting these hats for Nikki and her family! Next time Casey hosts a blog exchange I'm definitely signing up again!

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