

Breakfast With World Travelers, A Renewed Love For The Internet

Feb 27, 2012

Last Saturday, Colin and Jona traveled through Omaha on their bus tour of America, and even though they were only here from 5:30 to 8:00 am, we met up for breakfast and a quick hat photo shoot! When I heard they were potentially going to travel through, I offered to make each of them a hat. One for each turned into two each, and some great shots were gotten! Did I remember to take photos while we were eating? Nope. Of anything else that morning? Nope. Ah, well!

Colin Hat #1 Colin originally asked for a hat like the Boyfriend Hat featured in my Crochet Hats for Men post. Unfortunately, I don't have the book that hat is from, so I winged it! Brown, tan and dark blue colors, a few different crochet stitches, and even a ribbed brim made this hat almost exactly what he asked for! Notes for making it again: Do the ribbing in SC instead of HDC for a tighter rib. Make it one row longer before decreases.

Colin's second hat was made before I made the crochet hat, actually! As I didn't have the book for the Boyfriend Hat I thought I'd wing a knit version. The hat is a titch too small for his head although you'd never know it from these poses, and is missing one light grey row at the very top as I ran out of yarn! I would knit this exact hat again and again using leftover bits of yarn ... in reality, I most likely will do exactly that and list the hats in my shop, it's such a fun hat to knit! Again, a few more rows before the decreases, as I forget just how big men's heads actually are!

Jona's first hat was a no-brainer - when I offered to make a hat however she wanted it, she jumped around screaming BUNNY HAT, BUNNY HAT! Or so the story was re-told to me via e-mail - a bunny hat in the colors of her hair. Bunny hat, in blue and pink, delivered. It was so fun to crochet up, although I had hoped for more epic ears than she ended up with. Jona squealed with delight when she got it, and immediately placed it over her gorgeous blue and pink hair!

Jona's second hat came simply and easily - a Jane Hat made using the rest of the pink yarn from her first hat. I must remember to make this one an inch or two longer than I have been going forward; somehow I've ended up with a non-slouchy version the last three or four I've knit. I think I'm getting restless and want to end the hat before it's ready. The hat still looks adorable on Jona, so it was a success nonetheless.

As Colin and Jona are traveling by bus and have a minimum of space for things on their trip, I told them to feel free to give away one of the hats if they decide they don't want both. In my mind, if they don't want both I'd rather the second hat go to someone who will use it and love it than it languish at the bottom of a bag unloved and unused!

While we ate, we discussed the camp factor of Star Wars, the hilarity of much of what America does from the perspective of the rest of the world, and of course knitting. Colin is an ideas man, a marketer to his core, and he tossed out a few amazing ideas for me to grab and go with. Some floated right past, but one stuck - Hats On People.

I'll share more about this later in the week, but suffice it to say if Colin has his way with my and my hats, folks all over the world will soon be wearing them and talking about them, helping me reach my goal of 10,000 hats on 10,000 people. {See, he took my long-winded thoughts about knitting hats for friends, family, and charity and boiled it down to the perfect tagline. Genius.}

I'm super excited at the thoughts he put into my head; I love how they mesh with my own thoughts and dreams about this space, my knitting goals, and so much more. One little breakfast, thanks to a leap of faith style e-mail sent out on a whim, and the world as I know it is changed. I love the internet, I truly do. It connects folks together in amazing ways, shrinks the world a ton, and makes pancakes an event. Hooray!

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