

halloween hats for the whole family!

Sep 9, 2013

Now that September is officially here I can finally start talking Halloween without sounding a bit like a crazy person. Which means by the end of the month I can share holiday thoughts without seeming too odd, right? ... RIGHT?!

Despite my love of holidays of all kinds, I'm not much for dressing up on October 31st. Which doesn't usually work in my favor as my husband used to be the king of Halloween. For reals, he ruled that holiday with an iron, and always well-costumed, fist.

Now that Owen is in full toddler mode and excited to pick out his own costume, and the looming thought of another little to dress up and go door-to-door with next year as well creeps into my brain, I might have to suck it up and get festive with at least my headwear.

Thankfully, Ravelry has almost 300 hat patterns tagged with the word "Halloween" - here's a few of my favorites for folks of all ages! (note: all links are to the pattern Ravelry pages)

Kittyville, by Kitty Schmidt
Kurbis, by natalja
Lael Viking Helmet, by Tara Murray
Zsa Mask, by Nele Peeters
Brain Hat, by Alana Noritake
Ood Ski Mask, by Lilana Wofsey Dohnert
Dr. Zoidberg, by Kate Quinn
Lassie Wig Hat, by Charlotte W.
Princess Leia Hat, by Amanda Kaffka
Mummy Hat, by Tara Murray

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