

Methodist Women's Hospital NICU

Nov 5, 2013

The Methodist Women's Hospital here in Omaha is in desperate need for the coming winter season!

According to an article on WOWT, their shelves are running bare of donations, and the whole month of November they are having a baby shower of sorts!

From the article: "Most needed are onesies, baby board books, receiving blankets, preemie and newborn clothing, and changing pad covers."

While I'm hopeful folks will pitch in and donate as much as they can, it's in the "newborn clothes" note that my eyes perked up - that means baby hats! If you're local to Omaha, won't you help me by making some preemie and newborn sized hats and taking them over to 192nd and Dodge directly for donation? And if you're not local but still want to help, go ahead and send them to my PO Box (see sidebar) and I'll be sure they make it there!

While I normally donate to the two hospitals closer to me in town, I also had never thought to donate here because it's in a more affluent part of town and thus made the assumption they would have plenty of donations - consider me wrong, and about to change my ways! I'll be adding them to my donations list from now on!

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