

State Of The Blog, and An Informal Survey

Jan 25, 2015

(some hats I've knit recently)

Is January already almost over? I feel like I'm still trying to get myself out of 2014 with some semblance of my sanity intact! The past few weeks have been a blur of figuring out if I want to set goals for the next 12 months, scrambling around picking everything up off the floor before Lou puts it in her mouth, and trying desperately to keep my yarn stash from creeping downstairs bag by bag.

Over the weekend I had what feels, looking back on it, like some sort of manic episode, and I decided that I wanted to sell my hat patterns again instead of giving them away. And so I went ahead and undid weeks of work to make the patterns for free. Bad move. Almost immediately it felt like the wrong decision, and so all patterns are back to free, although they are available for download now instead of being shared in their entirety in the posts. I may go back and change that again, but for now all past patterns are download only.

All of this to say ... well, I don't know what exactly. I've been struggling these past few months as I try to think about where this blog sits in the bigger picture of everyday life. What started as a way to document my quest to give away 10,000 hats has become a dumping ground for so many other things as I've used Instagram to track my hats. It's so much more immediate and easy to just snap a photo and share it to that social media space, not having to think about crafting yet another post about the same hat I've made on repeat for three weeks straight.

And yet.

And yet, I miss this space, and what it used to be. I love sharing patterns here, and I toy with starting so many other fun projects in this space, but always pulling the plug at the last minute. Right now it feels like my time is best spent chasing after my kiddos, practicing our letters and slowly learning to walk and playing with trains and eating all the food in the house.

Hats get knit, they get photographed, and I work ever closer to my goal of 10,000. I've got a notebook full of patterns (or variations on patterns in some cases) that I plan to keep sharing here, one at a time, and for free.

But other than that, I'm not sure what to add to this space. So I'm turning it over to you. What would you like to see show up in this space? I know some folks like the link lists, and some don't. Some folks want me to share hat patterns knit flat (which I'm working on!) and some folks want less pattens all together. And I can guess at what all everyone would like to see and read and know, but I'd rather just hear it from you!

So please, I'd love to know! Comment to this post with your post ideas, or if you read this via e-mail, hit reply and share your thoughts! In the coming days, while I sift through all your comments and thoughts, hopefully I get bit by the writing bug again, and you'll see me back here more often with more than just patterns!


  1. Robyn: I often wonder how you get done all you do with two little ones. I think your just amazing. I blogged for 7 years. My blog was Insomniac with a hook. I stopped blogging a year ago or more and I have to say it was the best thing I did for me! I was so afraid I would miss it. I do not. I used to fret if I did not post once a week if I went more than that I felt I owed an explanation. I am more creative now than I was blogging, and what is important to me. Doing, knitting crocheting for others I do so much more. I love instagram and fits my need quite well. I do appreciate your patterns and without people like you to organize and create patterns to share I don't know where we would be. Im sure some days its to overwhelming to think about. Your blog is perfect the way it is. Use it when you need to or want to... we will all still be here.

  2. Personally I like reading just what you're writing now - updates on your knitting goals as well as your adorable little ones. I also keep up to date with your hats on instagram which is great. Your blog was the first real introduction I had to minimalism (which I'm still working towards) which I really appreciate. I say keep doing whatever works for you, and is the most fulfilling for you. Obviously you can't make everyone happy so I'd start with what makes you happy. Like Denise said above - we'll still be here!

  3. I hope you stay. I will stay with you because it's you. The blog doesn't have to be anything more than what you feel you want to put out there. Your hats are adorable and I too understand the juggling of the social media but I am always a fan of the nice bit of personal writing that happens only on a blog. Write when you feel it, knit, take care of your babies and share what you want but please stay, I would miss you so.

  4. I really like the blog. I have so appreciated that you have shared your patterns for free as I am using a lot of these patterns for the wool hats I will be donating to Syrian refugees, which you promoted through your site. Take time to be mom, write when you can, spend time with the kids -- as they are only little once. When you can post do, but try not to put the pressure on yourself of a time schedule. Do what you can, when you can, with what time you have.

  5. Keep on keeping on. We'll read whatever you write because we sincerely just like you and are interested in what is happening in you life....and because you knit hats and are creative. Please keep writing and knitting.

  6. I too am happy to read whatever you post. Since I get your posts via email feeds I don't worry about when you post. I love the charity knitting but also about reading about your life. It's all good!

  7. There is only so much time. Do what you need to do. Or not do. The blog is fun for us to read, but it's really about what fits into your life at the moment.

  8. I love your patterns. I love your writing, your enthusiasm, and your mission to make so many hats. Do what feels right to you and that will be the right thing.

  9. I enjoy your blog so much. The hats are always so inspiring. Your goal is enormous, but I'm sure you will achieve it

  10. I like the patterns as well and seeing photos of what you've knitted since I am not on instagram. Also, I appreciate the links for charity knits. If I read a blog consistently, it's because I like the person and the content. So keep up what you've been doing. It's all good.

