

Out And About

Feb 15, 2015

My needles have been clicking away,  making hats to donate to a local hospital hospice ward. This bag, shared on Instagram yesterday, should be full of enough yarn to make at least 15 hats to donate, and I've been working on them in between taking care of sick babes and husbands. And since it's been since January since I've shared the amazing things I've been enjoying around the internet, this super long list should help make up for it while I get back to knitting and rocking and medicine-giving!

How cute are these crossover booties?!

I'm in love with the yokes totes Kate is designing now.

Health is a vehicle, not a destination.

I might need to make one of these lap desks.

My friend Joshua Becker's book Clutterfree with Kids has been out of a year now, and is topping the charts once again!

Speaking of books, you can now pre-order Natalie's book Hey Natalie Jean: Advice, Musings, and Inspiration on Marriage, Motherhood, and Style! You can bet mine's been ordered and I'm already impatiently awaiting its arrival.

I can't wait to see the new ballet documentary Ballet 422!

Naomi recently shared her favorite lipsticks, and I'll fully admit I sought out two of them immediately!

Fringe Association is now hosting hat-alongs!!!!!! The first, for the Audrey Hat, is about to go on my needles. Are you participating?

Loved this clip shared by A Cup Of Jo on aging.

What's the one knit you can't live without?

1 comment :

  1. Hi! I'm reading Clutterfree with Kids right now and I recognized you from chapter 10. When it mentioned your name and knitting I thought... Is it her? Then I checked our blog and realized that it was! :)

