

On Etsy Shops, Mascara, and A Change Of Direction

May 3, 2015

One month ago, I began a journey. I signed up with Younique, a makeup company that aspires to Uplift, Empower, and Validate women through cosmetics that are naturally-based and as good for you as they are lovely to use.

I signed up, hoping to make $50-$100 a month. One month in I've got a growing team, and am making more money than I used to make at my part time job.

This has meant a few changes, both online and off. My Instagram account, still full of photos of my knitting and my kids, is also now sharing some space with makeup. I've set up a biz page on Facebook for my new business, and I'm spending more time there than I have been here on the blog.

And I'm closing up shop.

One of the better knitting decisions I've made in the last decade came this January, when I decided to quit selling patterns, instead offering them all for free. What I love most about knitting is giving away what I make, and selling patterns while I was donating hats didn't sit right with me.

But I kept the shop open, hoping to make a bit of extra money to cover shipping costs for charity hats, and maybe even pay a bill here and there. Instead, having an Etsy shop has consistently stressed me out, and been more of a frustration than a good thing.

Thankfully, now I don't have to think about it. I can knit for charity, giving hats away freely and as I make them. Thanks to Younique, I'm making more money while staying home with my kiddos than I ever did when I worked outside the home, which is just about a miracle. Selling finished knits has always sat sideways for me. I love that other people can sell their hand knits, and I know I will support their shops in the months and years to come. This is about me, and what I want my knitting life to look like.

So the shop is closing on May 15. If you want to purchase anything from me, this is the time to do it. The shop will NOT re-open, ever again.

If you're looking for handmade items in the future, I will gladly point you to some of my favorites, and might even do a gift guide of sorts featuring these shops as the holidays get closer. As for me, my knitting will once again focus solely on charity, and I couldn't be happier.

Between now and May 15, all items in my shop are on sale, and the prices reflect that. There's no coupons needed, everything has been marked down at least 10%, but in most cases much more.

To those of you who are here because of the shop, thanks so much for your past support! I can't wait to share more about my Younique journey in the coming days, weeks, and months, and I hope you will be as supportive of that.


  1. So will you be closing this blog as well?

  2. So will you be closing this blog as well?

    1. Oh heck no!! I'll be blogging about as much as I have in the past, I'll just be talking about charity hats I'm making, family life, etc. I didn't really blog that much about the shop anyhow, but there are people here because of the shop, so it felt right to let them know!

      Don't worry, I'll still be rambling on!!

  3. Oh, good, I've so enjoyed reading your blog. Great.

  4. Oh, good, I've so enjoyed reading your blog. Great.

