

knit hats for baby boys

Jul 18, 2012

Several people in my life have either had little boys in the last few months, or they are set to do so by the end of the year. That means lots of baby boy hats need to start flying off my needles in preparation for the fall and winter months! Here are some of the knitted hats I've fallen in love with for baby boys (up to a year old):

This Owl Hat has me running for my yarn right now!

This cute hat is knit in vertical stripes instead of horizontal. But oh no ... the link from Ravelry doesn't go through to a pattern! Maybe I can write one myself ... ?

Warm As Wool hat. I love the contrasting stripes done in different stitch patterns.

The Aviatrix Hat is a perennial favorite knit of mine.

I love to make the cabled baby hat on the right for just about every new babe I know!

I love the loopy tab at the top of this Magic Coffee baby hat!

Tubey from Wooly Wormhead is one I've got on my needles right now ...

More cute knit hats for babies (both boys and girls) pinned here! Head on over to have a look!


  1. Way to go!!!! Breastfeeding is THE best! I breastfed all 3 of my children for a total of 41 months (my last child breastfed until he was 20 months) I feel blessed and privileged that I was able to experience that unbreakable bond with all 3 of my kids. I LOVE your boob beanie - it is ADORABLE, can't wait to crochet it! :)

  2. I am glad you like this design - the shape is a little bit unusual - and it looks good in the lacy stitch or in stocking stitch, especially in a self patterning yarn.

