

in the hours before Hat-Tember

Aug 31, 2012

I am finishing up hats for charity: Water.

 I am gathering my supplies. (Food scale used to weigh finished hats to calculate yardage; Gussy Sews pouch; two tape measures; dpns for finishing up charity: Water hats; the hook I'll have constantly in hand; my yarn scissors; needle for ends)
I am clearing out the old yarn to make way for the new. I am planning on using up full skeins first, larger half skeins second, and if all else fails ...

I am tapping into these remnants! Here's to Hat-Tember!

I'm crocheting a hat a day for Hat-tember 2012! Each hat will be donated to the Chicago Food Pantry's annual holiday kid's party, and I'm attempting to raise $750 for Pencils Of Promise at the same time! Help me reach $750 this month by sponsoring this hat for just $25 - the cost of sending a child to school for a full year through Pencils Of Promise!

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