

Hat-Tember 1

Sep 1, 2012

pattern: Basic Beanie from Sweet Kiwi Crochet
yarn: I Love This Yarn (Hobby Lobby) in antique teal; 135 yards (about 1/3 a skein)  
hook: size I-9 / 5.5 mm

Day one of the Hat-Tember project, and I'm already blown away! I've spent most of this week sick (and now Owen's got whatever I had, plus a few new teeth coming in ... fun!) and so I wasn't sure how big of a bang this project would begin with. I should have had more faith!  

Before even posting this first hat, I'd already managed to raise $145 - 19% of my goal, and almost 6 kids receiving education for a year!

Now it's up to me to deliver, and deliver daily. To those of you who have already helped jump-start this project, a big thank you! And for those of you just showing up, just discovering the craziness that's about to ensue, strap in because it's sure to be a fun and crazy ride!

I'm crocheting a hat a day for Hat-tember 2012! Each hat will be donated to the Chicago Food Pantry's annual holiday kid's party, and I'm attempting to raise $750 for Pencils Of Promise at the same time! Help me reach $750 this month by sponsoring this hat for just $25 - the cost of sending a child to school for a full year through Pencils Of Promise!

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