

100 Hats for 100 Kids

Jul 29, 2013

I ran across a new group forming on Ravelry this morning, and wanted to share! 100 Hats For 100 Kids is in support of foster children served by Caring Family Network a non profit organization contracted by the State of TX to serve the daily needs of Foster Children and the families with which they live. Many of these kids have never had a special only for you gift like a hand knit or crochet winter cap. The specifications are as follows:
  • There is no standard pattern and we want unique items.
  • Average winter temps are above freezing, but it is very windy from November to February.
  • Please use acrylic or washable yarn… in a Foster home laundry is a group chore and making it easy is important.
  • Please use neutral colors that can be both boy and girl hats.
  • Biggest ask is for 50 school child hats (elementary school child first to fifth grade)
  • For Teens fashion forward colors are great
We are out to give 800 hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves to foster children this year!! The PO Box for sending Donations is as follows:

100 Hats for 100 Kids
PO Box 140287
Austin, TX 78714 USA

I love that this homegrown organization is looking to bring something handmade to the foster kids in Texas! I have a brother who lived in Texas for many years, and he'd always tell me that for Texans, the winters there feel as cold as our winters feel to us up here in Nebraska. They wear huge winter coats and bundle up just like we do, even if to us "northerners" the temperatures would seem mild.

And remember, school-aged kids have larger heads than you'd think -- if you plan to make hats to donate to this cause, make them at least 19" circumference (or 9.5" across when laid flat).

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