

everyone else is doing it, too

Aug 29, 2013

Thanks so much for all the well wishes on our big announcement from Tuesday! We're over the moon excited to be having another little one this coming winter. I've got so much to share about it all, and will jump in and start doing that early next week.

Before I share our big story, however, I wanted to point out just how many people are having babies right now. In the last few months no less than seventy billion people have announced a pregnancy, and with a list of friends already having babies this summer and fall ... well, let's just say that my "baby hats to knit" list has been growing ever larger!

Don't believe me? Here's my "off the top of my head" list of folks I know who are having a baby between right now and when I'm due:

August - Brook H., twin boys
September - Wendy B., refuses to find out the sex (to torment me!)
October - Shauna N., boy  Tina F., unknown
December - Melissa B.W., girl
January - Bridgit M., unknown yet Shawn B., unknown yet
February - Nikki D., unknown yet

Nine. That's nine babies, and I'm almost positive I'm missing a few! Add to that the two boys and a girl born between last March and now that I'd like to make holiday hats for, and the friends we have who already have kids who have grown by leaps and bounds and are in need of new hats, and my head starts to spin!

I'm pretty sure this means I'll be sharing bunches of baby hats in the coming months, though, and that's never a bad thing!
What are your favorite baby hat patterns? I'll round up some of mine in the coming weeks, but would love to know if I've missed any treasures!

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