

mitts for Colin

Sep 25, 2013

(collage stolen from Colin's Instagram feed, because that's how I roll)

pattern: Cigar Mitts
yarn: Patons Classic Wool, just under one skein
needles: size US 5 / 3.75 mm dpns

While it's been said I'm a bit of a hat fanatic, I also seem to find time to make other things on occasion. One such occasion is a friend heading to Iceland, England and a few other spots this winter. And when said friend is a crazy-pants style* minimalist (with everything he owns fitting into just a bag!), but still somehow manages to rock the hats I've made for him on repeat, the itch to craft becomes even more extreme.

When crafting for friends and family, especially when they own so few things, checking to be sure they'd actually like something is a plus. In this case, Colin (of Exile Lifestyle and Asymmetrical Press) said he'd love a pair of fingerless gloves to keep his precious money-makers warm this winter.
Done. And done.

Lucky for him I've got a go-to fingerless mitts pattern under my belt. Cigar is meant to have half full fingers and half fingerless ones, but I've made half a dozen pairs or so now with all fingerless digits, and every time I hand them to someone they love them.

Zach has three pairs - just saying.

Colin's heading overseas before the weather actually gets too cold, but it made sense to get these to him before he left the country, mostly so I wouldn't have to pay as much in postage. He got them the other day, and thankfully they fit like ... well, like a glove.

Consider these your Christmas gift, Colin - unless you decide you need another hat, in which case I will happily oblige. And don't let Josh and Ryan try to take them from you while you're sleeping ...

* let it be known I mean "crazy-pants style" in love. Always in love. Even if his total number of belongings is less than the number of things in my knitting bag.

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