

October Knitting for the Maine Cancer Center

Oct 2, 2013

While I may find myself super busy with shop knitting this time of year, I don't want to forget my charitable roots. I fell in love with hat knitting thanks to giving hats to charity, and no matter how many hats I drop in the mail thanks to a flourishing shop I always want to make sure I have a hat to give away on my needles.

This month is breast cancer awareness month, and all over the place pink ribbons and shirts and shoes and more will start popping up. Heck, even the NFL gets in the game, with players wearing pink gloves, shoes, and carrying pink towels. It's amazing to watch, and I love how people rally around such a great cause.

This October, I will be knitting as many hats as I can, and sending them off to the Maine Cancer Center. They are in desperate need of warm hats to gift to the folks who use their treatment services, and there's a group of us on Ravelry who are banding together to help them out. Our hats are all being made in honor of a woman who recently lost both her husband AND mother-in-law to cancer, both of whom received treatment at this center.

As an added bonus, Elizabeth Ravenwood is offering her Braided Gems Hat and Wristers (ravelry link) set for sale at 1/2 off until October 12th, and his hosting a KAL in her Ravelry group - for every hat that's sent to the Maine Cancer Center this month, you will be gifted a free pattern from her pattern list OF YOUR CHOICE! She's got some amazing patterns (I'm partial to her Capiz Window Baby Blanket right now) which makes this project even more worth it than before.

We are all sending our hats along to a fellow Raveler, so if you'd like to join in, just send me an e-mail to for the address - or you can send them to my PO Box (in the sidebar) with a note that they're for the Maine Cancer Center, and I'll be sure they get to where they need to go!

Won't you join me in making hats and sending them off to the Maine Cancer Center?

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