

the hats of brooklyn tweed

Oct 23, 2013

1. Altair // 2. Bray Cap // 3. Brig // 4. Fjord 
5. Habitat // 6. Irving // 7. Norby // 8. Ravensfoot 
9. Rosebud // 10. Seasons Hat // 11. St. Leger // 12. Turn a Square 
(all links to

Brooklyn Tweed began in 2005 as a knitting blog for Jared Flood. By 2007, the blog featured Jared's designs, and today has become a treasure-trove of patterns featuring clean designs nodding to nature and city life.

I've found a few of the design house's hat grace my needles in the past few months and years, and if I'm honest I had a hard time picking just a few to share here with you - so I picked a dozen!

Most of the Brooklyn Tweed patterns cost between $5 and $6 - not a small sum to pay for a hat pattern, but every time I've bought one I've been over the moon with happiness and have used those patterns enough times to make them well worth the money!

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