


Dec 4, 2014

Once my holiday knitting is done, and I've begun tackling the stash in earnest (more on that tomorrow), I'll be looking for fun ways to use up my leftover bits as well as all those full skeins lingering in my yarn stash. And colorful chevron hats seems like a fun way, doesn't it?! I love chevrons (who doesn't?!, and adding in some color work makes the chevron stitch really stand out.

Above are four fun chevron hats I found while poking around Ravelry recently:
top left: Ida's Kitchen, by Kristen Kapur
top right: Puck, by Dani Sunshine
bottom left: Bregne, by Joyce Tromba
bottom right: The Shea Chevron, by Whitney W.

I'm sure to be casting on one (or more!) of these soon!

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