

While Knitting | Volume III

Dec 10, 2014

Knitting doesn't happen in a vacuum here in SMH-land. Instead, I'm always reading something (thanks to my Kindle) or watching something (thanks to Netflix). Here's a short list of what I've been reading and watching lately.


Considerations, by Colin Wright. Full disclosure, here. Colin is a dear friend, and so I make it a point to read everything he writes. The fact that he's a phenomenal writer doesn't hurt, for sure! Considerations is a collection of shorter essays, focusing on stretching our views on the world around us. We all have set perceptions, and Considerations asks us to think about those, maybe look at things a different way, and consider whether our beliefs and perceptions need a bit of tweaking, or even a full upgrade. Considerations has good thoughts on a wide variety of subjects, and definitely pushed me in a few areas

30 Days Of Doing by Colin Wright. A companion piece to Considerations, this 30 day e-mail series has been incredibly thought-provoking, and I'm so glad I made the purchase. Colin suggests you do more than simply read each day's e-mail and then file it away, and so on most of the days I took the time (sometimes even just five minutes was enough) and really worked through what was being offered. While I'm not making any huge life changes right away, these e-mails have definitely helped me focus in on a few things, sharpen some ideas, and see a bunch of next steps.

Insurgent (Divergent Series), by Veronica Roth. Okay, I totally get why everyone thought this was the best book of the three. I love how everything happened all at once, from the collapse of everything Tris knew, to the coming of age of all the characters, to the cementing of relationships and belief systems.

Allegiant (Divergent Series), by Veronica Roth. After flying through Insurgent, I assumed I would fly through the final book in the trilogy as well. And I read it fast, but not as fast as I'd thought, mostly due to all the crying. It is a heavy book, filled with the ending of one way of life while making room for a new one. Many people I know thought this was the worst of the three, but I simply think the ending of any book series will leave you filled with emotions - and this one is no exception. I really did cry though the last 50 or so pages, and while I was saddened a few things happened the way they did, the book ended exactly as it needed to, which is the best compliment I can give the last book in a series.


Divergent. I read the book months and months ago, but have lagged on reading the second book in the series. I waited so long, in fact, that I knew I wouldn't remember half the book if I didn't either re-read it, or watch the movie. I chose movie, and I'm glad I did. While I know whole chunks were left out, I loved the movie, how it portrayed the book, and how the characters were developed.

Bones: Season 9. We're caught up with what's on DVD, thanks to Netflix, and what a way to end last season! Don't spoil anything for me, though, because I don't know what happens on the season that's on now!

Football. Nebraska had a great season, but don't say that around anyone actually from Nebraska. We fired our head coach after he got another season of 9 wins (the only other current college coach to go seven seasons in a row with nine wins? Nick Saban.), and have now hired someone everyone's super unhappy about hiring. So it's been a contentious time, for sure. But I'm not as invested as some others are, so I enjoyed the season a ton!

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