

Out And About

Jan 9, 2015

Welcome to the first Out and About of the new year! After what felt like an incredibly slow start, we're finally starting to turn things around here in Casa SMH, and I couldn't be happier! Granted, Lou still has an ear infection (I fear she'll end up with the same issues Owen had), but we're powering through thanks to tons of pizza and snuggles.

This week's edition is packed full of fun links from around the knitting-verse, including a link to a new blog I started on a whim the other week - Harry Potter Knits! I'm obsessed with the Potter movies and books, and love how many knitting patterns people have written that nod to the clothes worn in the movies. My goal is to get screen captures of all those hand knit items from the movies, and link to patterns where I can find them. That way other Potter loving knitters can find the perfect pattern for their Potter knitting needs, and where there isn't a pattern already written, maybe someone will get inspired!

See you all Monday!

Super post on burning the candles.

Rebecca spent December re-posting some gems from the year, and this one, titled Sisterhood and Skateboards, is a favorite.

Once again, my brother Nick kills it with his reviews - Selma and American Sniper.

I love Joanna's Beauty Uniform series, and Audrey's might be my favorite yet!

I love the way the Yarn Harlot knits gifts as she goes, and tells us all about it!

Karen spent some time talking about her to-knit list, and I love it!

Elise shared all her small business resources on her blog this week!

Muhammad wept.

Do you screw up which direction to make your cables like I do? This little saying might help!

Jane Richmond shared her go-to hot chocolate recipe.

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