

reading // The No-Brainer Wardrobe

Jan 5, 2012

The No-Brainer Wardrobe, by Hayley Morgan of Tiny Twig Goes Out On A Limb.

Learning to dress for my style sensibilities, my current job (SAHM) my body-type, and most importantly WHO I AM is a goal of mine. This book, simple and a quick read, has given me a jumping-off point for the next few months of culling, figuring out, and maybe a bit of shopping.


build my wardrobe out of ESSENTIALS first, then ADDITIONS, and finally FINISHERS.

pick out clothes for my wardrobe based on my life right now, which is a SAHM. i can dress well and still be someone who chases after kids and spends most of her days with a baby and/or in the house.

Go-To Outfit: Have an outfit I can throw on and feel amazing in, no matter how short I am on time. Hers involves black skinny jeans and grey riding boots - what can I find in my wardrobe that’s like this?

I like that her go-to outfit isn’t a complete outfit at all, but a base - her skinny jeans and riding boots. She can add any top to this and feel great.

Triangle Shape // more detail and interest on top, neutral on bottom. I already do this by default when I wear darker wash jeans, neutral shoes, and layers/color in my tops. Continue this trend.

// Steer clear of skinny jeans and thigh-skimming tops! They actually accentuate my hips! I can get a skinnier boot-cut pant, and get the same sort of look! (that photo of Nicole Richie in her boot-cut jeans, white tee, black jacket and scarf can be my inspiration, even if she is NOT the same body-type as me)

My action steps: go through my closet and let go of the things that don’t fit with my current lifestyle. Box up what I want to save for when I eventually head back into an office, and donate the rest. Keep only the 50-60 pieces that I will get excited about wearing every day in my current job as SAHM and home manager.

Start getting up early, taking a shower, and getting ready for my day. It’s fine to get ready at 10am like I do now, but I’m betting I’d greet the day happier if I got up at 6am and showered and dressed before Owen wakes up at 7am!

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