

Out And About 9

Nov 26, 2014

After a few months of an unintentional "break" involving sharing mostly just patterns - a much needed break, for sure - I've found a bit of my writing voice again! I've been sharing in bits and pieces, mostly through some serialized posts I've tried to keep up with here on the blog, but I hope to have some fun new stuff in the near future as well.

In the meantime, I'm off to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends this weekend, FINALLY get our tree set up, cut all my hair off (what!!!! photos will be shared on Instagram) and work like crazy on my huge (and totally self-imposed) holiday knit list! While I dig deep into my favorite season of the year, here's a few things I've found around the internet lately that are making me happy, thoughtful, and grateful.


My friend Courtney will be sending 31 Gifts to people's inboxes this December. I signed up, and I'm betting you should, too!

Thoughts on white privilege, talking to our kids about Ferguson, and why protest is exactly what we need.

Loving the latest family photos Elise shared on her blog, and how much fun the photographers had playing with sameness in a different season.

Lots of amazing new knits in Wool People 8!

With all the pressure to grow and change, I love the idea of staying the same after a difficult experience.

Seriously killing it with every review he writes, this time my brother Nick has tackled Mockingjay Part One.

I made the Annie Cowl as a holiday gift a few years ago - excited there's a new FREE bulky version to try out!

My girl Kelli nails it with the holiday resentment and gender roles!

There's still time to knit a stocking this year, thanks to the Stuff It Stocking Knit-Along with Ewe Ewe Yarns!

I've favorited these links (and so many more) over on my Bloglovin' profile.

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