

Jamie In Her Norby

Mar 20, 2013

I shared the details of Jamie's Norby Hat back in February, but then slacked mightily on sending it her way. Thankfully she was understanding, and graciously sent me these photos of her wearing her hat just this week! And because she's such a sweetheart, Jamie is also posting about the hat today on her blog Inconsistency Rang The Horse!

I've been following Jamie's blog since she first contacted me, and I love her openness and gorgeous heart! For those of you visiting from Jamie's blog, welcome! Her hat was number 310 in my quest to make 10,000 hats for 10,000 people! And for those of you who are regulars to my little space, head on over to Jamie's online home and say hello -- she's a gracious host!


Also, have you heard the sad news that Google Reader is going away in July? If you haven't already switched your feeds over to Bloglovin', now is the time! I've been there for a few weeks now, and have to say while the switch was hard (creature of habit), I'm in love with how it all works! Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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